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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220672-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1914-1918
Country: BulgariaUNITED KINGDOM,England,France,Italy,United Kingdom
Location: Black Sea,London,Near East,Verdun
TC Begins: 02:50:38
TC Ends: 03:00:39
Duration: 00:10:01
WWI - Aviation; Artillery Shells; Cavalry; London Homefront; Bulgaria; Cartoon; Newsreels Title: Command of the Air - A French Aerodrome Near Verdun. 02:50:42 French biplanes & military looking at them. Large plane; soldiers move small planes into canvas hanger. MCU plane w/ machine gun. 02:51:35 Gaumont Graphic No. 527 Title: Near East Campaign. Large shells in rail carts by harbor w/ ships. Title: French Troops Taking Up New Positions. French troops w/ packs along dug-in huts w/ stone fronts. 02;52:58 Gaumont Graphic No 447 Title: Troops of France - Regiment of Cavalry in New Unifoms. Riding thru city. 02:53:33 Gaumont Graphic No 437 Title Our New Ally - Great welcome Italy’s Declaration. Overhead of crowd in London streets, marching groups thru waving Italian flags. GOOD. 02:54:57 Gaumont Graphic No 447 Title: Whither Away? A Draft of the artillery company leaving London. Outside train station, marching into, waving goodbye to & from train passing. 02:55:24 Gaumont Graphic No. 482 Title: Under Russian Guns - Varna-Bulgaria’s Black Sea Port Which Is Being Shelled By...Ships. Small ships w/ twin stacks tied up from several angles. High angle of breakwater. 02:55:55 Gaumont Graphic No. 482 Title: All In The Days Work. Digging trenches (GOOD). Troops march along road (brief). 02:56:36 Gaumont Graphic No. 485 Title: During The Battle - Wounded Pass to The Base Where They Receive First Aid. Walking along road; resting alongside eating. 02:57:19 Gaumont Graphic No. 427 Title: Studdy’s War Cartoon - His Winning Ways. MCU Cartoon being drawn of U-boat punching Miss Tanker & others: “I’m great at knocking down girls”. 02:58:24 Title: War In The Trenches - Hand Grenaes & Bombs... Five kinds of custom-made hand grenades and bombs demonstrated. Man throws, explodes. Men throw & they explode, like Molotov cocktails. 02:59:17 Gaumont Graphic No. 436 Title: Launch of American Battleship - USS Maumee at....yard. Woman break champagne, holds flowers & waves as ship slides down ways. 02:59:56 Gaumont Graphic No. 436 Title: Asphyxiating Gasses - The Allenbury Patent To Protect Our Troops From Poison. Men w/ rifles behind large logs; gas blows in & troops pull down masks from bill of cap. Get up & run. CU man showing mask w/ elastic. WWI Aviation; Navy; Propaganda Cartoon; NOTE: USS Maumee was first US naval ship to be powered by diesel engines. Launched 17Apr15, Mare Island, California by Miss Janet Crose.