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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220680-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1914-1933
Country: Germany
Location: Berlin,Nuremberg,Potsdam,RuhR
TC Begins: 16:47:53
TC Ends: 16:54:41
Duration: 00:06:48
WWI - Sieg im Westen R1 of 12 SUMMARY: Introductory Title: "Forward To The Decision". 16:48:21 Montage, Stereotyped teutonic Nazi German troops take oath of allegiance to Hitler. Cathedral; Rhine, Cologne Cathedral. Animated map German Frontiers in Bismark's time. Shots - Danzig Harbor. Montage, interior & exterior scenes of Ruhr industrial area; mine underground shots; exterior shots; Hamburg Harbor. 16:49:39 Two German soldiers in pre-WW1 uniforms on honor duty as sentries. German Pre-WWI 1914 Naval vessels. 16:49:46 Animated map shows extent of World War I fighting beyond Germany's borders ending w/ presentation of situation on November 9th, 1918. WWI fighting. Animation, 4 1/2 years of WW I fighting. 16:50:39 CU Hindenburg & Ludendorff at headquarters (brief). WWI Explosions. CU, signatures in Versailles Treaty (brief). 16:51:10 Animated map, creation of Polish Corridor. Demilitarization & disarmament activities of German factory areas. Hundreds of WWI type German fighter planes dismantled & wrecked. 16:51:37 Strike riots & communists in street fights in front of Brandenburg Gate. SEQ, French occupation of Ruhr area. 16:52:09 Montage, all types of German inflation money. Hunger - Berlin food riots. Depression Very early CU of Hitler. SEQ, Scenes from Nuremberg "Peace" Congress. Ext, storm troopers in regimental parade formations. CU General Von Seeckt reviews parade of Reichswehr. SEQ, Guard regiments, infantry and artillery in Potsdam. German military build up. 16:53:08 Hindenburg reviews Reichswehr parade. 16:53:24 SEQ, German Army uses imitation weapons made of cardboard in training maneuvers. 16:53:44 Torchlight parade. Hitler begins construction, mining, factories & interiors. Medium CU, Laval. SEQ, Promulgation of new German Constitution in the Garrison Church of Potsdam w/ Hindenburg, Hitler, Papen, in March of 1933. Also parade scenes of same day. Newly created Nazi Labor Corps - industrial shots. Building autobahn highway. 1920s; 1930s Germany; Early Nazi Party; German History; Pre-WW2; Pre-WWII Compilation Film; NOTE: In our experience German Nazi material is considered in the public domain throughout the world. If users feel any further clearances are necessary they are to be their own responsibility.