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Aliens at Ellis Island for Deportation, 21Aug35; San Francisco Angel Island Deportation; Kerr; Kress

Reel Number: 200545-06

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL and SD

Year / Date: 1935

Country: USA

Location: Angel Island,Ellis Island,New York City,NYC,San Francisco

TC Begins: 04:08:41

TC Ends: 04:13:43

Duration: 00:05:02

[Aliens at Ellis Island for Deportation, 21Aug35; San Francisco Angel Island Deportation; Kerr; Kress] Si. Train backed into yard w/ conductor gesturing; hand-cuffed aliens off train past camera. Others off train carrying luggage, some w/ children. On board ferry bound for Ellis island; helped ashore onto Ellis Island dock. Others off ferry, queues & into & out of building. 04:10:18 Si. Aliens board ship President Harding & ship leaving, waving from rail. Tugs moving ship dow river. 04:10:47 Si. Aliens Deported - In San Francisco, the undesirables are brought to Angel Island... 04:10:56 Si. Oriental men off railroad car past camera, board ferryboat. View of Angel Island & arriving at dock, many orientals looking at camera. CU Mexican (?). Walking ashore past camera. In screened hlding pen. 04:12:01 Sd. MCU Daniel McCormack of US Immigration Bureau (Immigration Service): SOF “Every alien criminal, so deported, lessens the cost of our penal system to the American taxpayer & removes a possible, if not a probable, future law-breaker. But, there are today in this country thousands of alien criminals who cannot be deported under the present law. The present law favors the criminal as against the alien of good character. CU. The Kerr Bill now before Congress will definitely make it easier to seize & to deport the alien criminal & racketeer while preventing some of the incredibly cruel family separations which are utterly contrary to the American tradition of Justice & of Humanity.” 04:12:56 Si. 10Aug35 Democratic Representative John H. Kerr, North Carolina posing in Washington, CU. 04:13:20 Si. Aug35 Paul Walter Kress, German born, refused license for beauty parlor by Mayor LaGuardia. CUs. Anti-Ethnic Bias; 1930s;

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