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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221760-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950
Country: USA
Location: California,San Francisco
TC Begins: 02:55:53
TC Ends: 03:05:00
Duration: 00:09:07
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Pt. 5 of 5 Continued.... Frank back into Phillips’ office. Argues. 02:56:59 Night, Frank driving convertible pulls up to curb, puts pistol in glove compartment. Goes into room 821 & psychopath w/ two guys w/ guns jump him, frisk him. Gets call from Paula, talks to her at gunpoint. Frank forced to walk out, & to house w/ California Mission furniture. Man in white suit: “What is on your mind? Just what is on your mind?” Psychopath keeps punching him in stomach. Arguing follows. 03:04:28 Night, camera in front of convertible thru streets, neon, trolleys, traffic; psychopath driving & talking of how he’ll kill him. 03:06:35 Frank jumps out of car, runs down street, into drugstore, followed by Psychopath. Chase. CU women screaming. Cop shoots & kills psychopath. Frank leaves. 03:08:06 Ext. of hotel, Paula waiting; Frank arrives in cab, goes to his car as she runs up. Talk on corner, argue about her going back. “I love you so much...” Hugging. “I can’t leave you like this.” 03:12:00 Frank into car & she has head in hands. Frank confronts ?? Brother sick, poisoned w/ same stuff as Frank, says call hospital. 03:14:02 Frank arrives at Mrs. Phillips home & confronts her on balcony. Sees three man arrive after him. 03:15:44 In garage of building as they search for him. Chase him up street w/ convertible. He jumps on bus that pulls out; convertible chases. On bus. View from in front of car as pulls alongside bus; view of car from bus. View of bus from car. 03:18:46 Cop tells double parked car to move along, motorcycle cop pulls up. Street scenes, some without Frank. 03:19:38 Frank into building & upstairs in elevator. Man leaving Phillips office who spiked his drink. Walk along open balcony toward each other. Gunfight. 03:20:42 Optical swirling back to police & Frank telling story. “All I did was notarize a bll of sale...” He dies on floor. 03:22:11 CU Report of Missing Person, stamped w/ D.O.A. The End. Feature Film; Hollywood Production; Mystery; Beautiful Women; Dialogue; Love Interests; Americana Fiction; 1950s; Medicine; Medical; Atomic Radiation; Film Noir; Identification; Crime; NOTE: Any continuous minute sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: