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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220465-15
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1968
Country: Mexico,USA
Location: Haight - Ashbury, San Francisco, California,Stanford,Tijuana
TC Begins: 02:19:28
TC Ends: 02:27:13
Duration: 00:07:45
Drugs - Border Crossing; San Francisco Haight Ashbury District; Stanford; Japanese Gardens, Apr68 07Apr68 Cars pouring thru Tijuana road crossing at border in late afternoon light; queues of cars - border guards search car trucks & look inside. 02:20;44 Interior customs office. Cars trunk & interior searched; papers inspected. Night, family beside van. 02:21:49 Haight Ashbury district streets - people hanging around on street corners. Tracking shot past hippies, Jazz sign, Haight Bootery, pedestrians; young people hanging out on cars. 02:24:36 Stanford Research Institute. Sign: Life Sciences Building. Shots of buildings. Sign Stanford Research Institute - cars in parking lot. 02:25:34 Japanese garden w/ statues & plantings. Customs Officials; Parks; Border Inspection; 1960s; 1968; Counter Culture; Youth;