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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221581-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1969
Country: USA
Location: California,San Francisco
TC Begins: 08:57:00
TC Ends: 09:16:52
Duration: 00:19:52
On Strike The Newsreel - Radical Documentary - re San Francisco State College Strike Composite image of marchers, San Francisco suburbs, tram, police & guitar player. 08:58:24 Pan w/ woman in 60’s fashions w/ leaflets past sign: San Francisco State College. Students distribute leaflets. Two older suburban women on doorstep. Riot policeman past houses on horseback. Suburban tram stop. Campus scenes, pan past students along retaining wall in sun. (VO gives College’s background and history) Crowd of students looking thru window at demonstration outside. 08:59:11 Protesters w/ placards. White, Asian & Black students. Tracking shot San Francisco Black neighborhood w/ corner shop. American flag w/ skull instead of stars. College board discussions. Black speakers & student meetings. (VO explains demands of protesters re changing race & class structures of college; Black studies). 09:01:37 Title: The News Reel. 09:01:41 Marching & chanting on campus - mostly Blacks. Outdoors gathering w/ Black speakers. Black mother on microphone. Police on roof w/ loudspeakers orders demonstrators to leave. Police surround protesters. Violent confrontation. Protesters beaten by police, arrested & handcuffed. Police carry wounded on stretchers. Cameramen filming. Woman violently pulled by policeman. White man w/ bleeding face pulled by policeman. 09:06:13 Empty classroom w/ blackboard “ On Strike”. Classroom with primary or secondary school mostly Black children. Men in suits. Kitchen worker & other manual labour. Reel-to-reel computer. 09:07:11 Black kids in city street rolling tires. Urban housing block. Teenage boy in classroom slaps book over camera. Bearded man talks into microphone. Factory exterior. Riot police, some on horseback; injured. CU policeman’s stick. Police on radio phone. Pan down Bank of America building. Bearded hippie in white suit playing guitar. Protesters past row of police. Long-haired hippie raises fist. “Establishment” white men in suit. Photograph of University Board of trustees. Stills of worldwide poverty. Protesters Demonstrators; conservative white students throw stones & chair at protesters. Demonstrators across lawn. 09:10:46 S.F. State President Hayakawa w/ beret climbs on car, tries to rip off protester’s loudspeakers on car roof; throws leaflets. Throngs of police arrive. Violent confrontation, beatings, arrests. 09:12:42 Governor/ University Trustee? defending police., VO sound. 09:13:20 Riot police; students in cafeteria. CU police; American Federation of Teachers picket line. Police follow students into building w/ pistols drawn; brutal beating by police; cameramen filming & photographers. Students past. Abrupt ending. 1960s; Political Protests; Black Power; Anti-Vietnam; Colleges; Students; University; Rioting; NOTE: Any continuous one minute sold at per reel rate.