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San Francisco’s Future

Reel Number: 220842-09

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1916

Country: USA

Location: California,San Francisco

TC Begins: 15:59:50

TC Ends: 16:05:38

Duration: 00:05:48

San Francisco’s Future drawn animation TITLE: “Wake Up San Francisco” with sunrise over city. TITLE: “We could have this”: figure of prosperity spreading money over the city. TITLE: ”Or shall it be this”: Dark cloud over city, “ Anarchy, sedition, lawlessness” Men inside IWW H.q. having meeting. Bomb explodes outside Hall of Justice. TITLE: “Choose!” 16:01:54 Preparedness Day Parade, July 22, 1916 overhead shots of army units, women in white with US flag, woman dressed as Statue of Liberty, and child as Uncle Sam, people in crowd waving flags. Aftermath of bomb explosion that killed 10 and injured 60, people collecting bodies.

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