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USS Saratoga to San Francisco With Troops, 13Sep45

Reel Number: 220825-10

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1945

Country: USA

Location: California,San Francisco

TC Begins: 14:10:05

TC Ends: 14:15:19

Duration: 00:05:14

USS Saratoga to San Francisco With Troops LS carrier Saratoga passing under Golden Gate Bridge thru hazy mist. PBY on water taxiing. CU crowds of people on dockside. LS fireboat throws welcoming spray to Saratoga as it approaches dock. MS Saratoga being towed. MS & CUs decks lined w/ waving crew. Saratoga towed past camera. 14:11:51 MCU of men waving as arrives at dockside. 14:14:19 Crowd on dock waving; CU sailor greets girlfriend. Officers & sailors down gangway w/ luggage. 14:15:04 Red Cross workers w/ coffee and donuts for sailors, CU sailor eating a donut in one bite. Note: 14:12:41 - 14:13:05 no picture visible (mist over SF Bay?). Post-WWII; Post-WW2; Returning Troops; Homecoming;

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