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1917 ca - USA, Industrial: Laundry Work, Tale of a Shirt excerpt; Women Office Workers

Reel Number: 220455-01

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1917,1910s

Country: USA


TC Begins: 01:00:00

TC Ends: 01:09:56

Duration: 00:09:56

1917 ca - USA, Industrial: Laundry Work; Women Office Workers. Man unloading laundry from back of small truck into cart during wintertime snow. Several men loading sheets & shirts into large barrel-like washing machines, attaching receipts to end of machine, closing compartment lids & starting horizontal machine to spin. Opening water valves. Adding soap from water pail / bucket. 01:01:05 Opening cover & steam & suds comes out; drain in bottom activated. 01:01:13 Slug 01:01:16 Machine spinning and bleach or ?? added. Lids opened, water drained & wash put into cart. Then loaded into a top-loading spinning extractor to force water out by centrifugal force. MCU clothes covered w/ fabric / rag, spinning begins MCU as man pulls sheets out. 01:02:35 Woman taking clothes out of tumbler / dryer. Pants / clothes thrown into ?? (sorting bins ?) 01:02:47 Large room, women folding sheets & feeding into dryer (brief). Women workers removing dried linens; ironing w/ belt-driven machines in factory. 01:03:01 Woman feeding collars into starching machine. Hanging out shirts on hangers on moving monorail rack. Dried shirts automatically removed. 01:03:24 Women putting shirts thru dampening machine, steaming them. Collars ironed & various parts ironed by young girls on separate mechanical machines & finished by hand on large ironing boards. 01:04:45 MS Folding shirts & packing. 01:04:49 Slug 01:04:52 Torn garments repaired by women w/ treadle sewing machines. 01:05:01 Shirt collars loaded into horizontal tubs, lids closed & beginning to spins. 01:05:09 Women sort collars, put thru steamer on belt, removed. Bibs hung on moving lines. Feeding bids thru ironing machine. Collars falling out of ironing machine & sorted, put thru a creasing machine. Formed. Male supervisor watching girls / women working. Very young looking girl sorting collars. Other women sorting for packaging. 01:07:35 Women folding shirts, wrapping in paper & tying bundles. 01:07:46 Man outside loading small trucks lined up in snow, from laundry cart. Angled row of vans drive off in choreographed beginning of delivery run. 01:08:04 Bundle of laundry delivered in snow to women answering door of brownstone. 01:08:18 Slug 01:08:21 Two women office workers dressed in white sitting at desk; one typing adding machine while checking receipts or slips of paper. Other putting wide strips of paper together w/ a hand-cranked paper feeder w/ counting mechanism Paper seen from other side exiting into a wicker basket. CUs. 01:09:43 Man resetting counter on machine. Production line; 1910s Industry; ca 1917; WWI Homefront; WW1 Homefront; Women Working; Child Labor; NOTE: Flash titles thruout. Much out of sequence. Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: Transferred at 24fps. If time permits we will re-order to correct speed.

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