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1928-1930 - Exploration, Antarctica: Commander Byrd, First Antarctica Expedition, 1928-30 R2 of 5

Reel Number: 220507-02

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1928,1929,1930

Country: Antarctica,USA

Location: Antarctica

TC Begins: 22:10:40

TC Ends: 22:21:08

Duration: 00:10:28

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk 1928-1930 - Exploration, Antarctica: Gould & 5 Companions on 1500 mile trek, 04Nov29 - 25Dec29 (?) Ca Nov29. Men w/ dogs in dog sled harnesses during blowing snow, tying rope knot w/ bare hands. 22:10:57 MS Huskies laying in snow, MLS hunkered down half-buried. Pan tents & temporary camp. 22:11:24 Ford Tri-motor aircraft overhead. Tents in sunshine & wind, man pulling sled & placing against tent. LS loaded sleds in front of rock mountainside. Dogs fed, man gathers harness. CU unpacking bricks of food, CU feeding to dogs. Sleeping dogs. 22:12:49 Man w/ pipe unpacking pan from stove, filing w/ snow & putting into tent. MLS calls to others who come from tents & into cook (?) tent. 22:14:04 MLS Three dog sleds l. to r. 22:14:25 Stopping, setting up camp. Pan camp w/ large glacier covered & rocky mountains behind. Several sites. Sleds moving towards rocky mountain face. Camp in foreground. 22:15:40 Two men tying on crampons. 22:15:46 LS snow field to ridge. 22:15:53 MCU Man kneeling on rocks w/ pack on ground; looks at rock sample w/ magnifying glass & makes notes; gets up & walks on ridge taking rock samples. 22:16:22 MS men unpacking sled: skis, coats, small bags. MCU Dipping tin cups of water (?) from container & taking food packets from small bag. 22:17:04 MS dogs in harness laying resting; looking around. MLS men adjusting tents. 22:17:55 Man cranking generator, another telegraphing next to radio transmitter. 22:18:00 Man feeding dogs, others in background. Man taking reading from sextant on tripod w/ mountains behind. CU man & sextant taking reading; hands & compass marking / plotting on map, penciling location. 22:18:52 LS view of ice field & six men walk into view & post small flag in rocks, remove hats & stand. 22:19:13 CU map of Antarctica w/ Ross Barrier Ice, bays, inlets, Little America, etc. marked. 22:19:22 Large rock cairn, men approach & investigate; take off hats in respect. MS removing rocks & large tin bucket; Laurence Gould removes note from tin can. 22:20:18 CU message dated 14-16th December, 1911 left by Roald Amundsen party. 22:21:00 Man replaces message in can. Firsts; Antarctica Expeditions; Geological Party; Survey; Explorers; Weather; Cold; 1929; Work Animals; Sledge; Queen Maude Mountains; NOTE: Amundsen & four others reached the South Pole 14Dec11. NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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