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2000s - Color, Military, USA: HUMVEE aka HMMWV / AM General Promotional Film

Reel Number: 221773-10

Color: Colour

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 2000s

Country: USA


TC Begins: 07:11:57

TC Ends: 07:24:08

Duration: 00:12:11

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk 2004 - 2000s - Color, Military, USA: HUMVEE aka HMMWV / AM General Promotional Film Slow motion of various Humvee military vehicles bouncing over very uneven ground, over tree trunk, thru sand dunes & other cross country driving. 07:15:35 Driving thru deep water / stream / river in forested countryside. 07;16:17 Desert hillside & dry riverbed. Climbing steep rocky hillside. 07:17:09 Fording stream & along road; thru swamp & mud intercut w/ desert & dry conditions. Humvee trucks w/ along road including one w/ Avenger Air Defense Missile System (?) & others w/ weapons & turning turrets while traveling. 07:19:11 HMMWV down rocky hillside; down sand & rocks; slow motion crossing deep gully (s). 07:21:12 Thru forest & swamp w/ deep water. 07:23:20 Two HMMWV w/ soldier in turret & setting / rising sunlight behind past camera on desert sands. Military Contractor Demonstrating Hardware; Transportation; Technology; Defense Industry; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. B Roll unedited & mute. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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