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Battle For Rubber

Reel Number: 221673-03

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1943

Country: USA

Location: Kentucky,Louisville

TC Begins: 05:05:51

TC Ends: 05:09:28

Duration: 00:03:37

Battle For Rubber Far East & natives attaching cups to rubber trees,katex running & then gathered. Man in thatched hut heating and melting over heat on pole. 05:06:29 Men in factory w/ large machines working latex. Large Louisville, Kentucky plant making synthetic rubber from corn. Chemist, engineers testing. large pressurized tanks; women working w/ tanks. Large vat w/ rubber flowing through and being rolled & put thru very large oven dryers. Folded & plied; then weighed, dusted w/ soapstone. Shipped to plants to manufacture into goods. 05:08:21 Tire plant & various sized tires. Women working on barrage balloons; inflated rubber life raft. Rubber boots manufactured by women. 05:08:45 Navy life belt modeled; one man lifeboat inflated by woman to show use of synthetic rubber. Factory w/ rubber rafts hanging & assembling. Mae West life jacket demonstrated. WWII Homefront - USA - Manufacturing; Industry; Products; 1940s; WW2;1943; 1940s;

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