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Battle For The Beaches, The Pt. 1 of 2 (missing first 1:08)

Reel Number: 221653-02

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1940s

Country: England,France,Germany,Norway,United Kingdom

Location: Lofoten,Loften,Loftin Islands

TC Begins: 14:05:32

TC Ends: 14:15:06

Duration: 00:09:34

The Battle For The Beaches Pt. 1 of 2 NOTE: Best quality but missing first 1min. 8 sec. Japanese Plane Recognition Tests BR 10 Nakajima 97; BR 22 Mitsubishi OO (note: this was probably used as leader) 14:05:44 Construction of German fortified positions. Looking across English Channel towards England. Unid. invasion landings w/ explosions, bodies. 14:06:15 “My job as a war correspondent...” (Quentin Reynolds) Journalists w/ 3-star Gen. Mark Clark. Interviewing. Good landing footage, off landing craft, then in. Beach at Dunkirk / Dunkerque. Hitler at viewing scope. Large gun firing to England. Soldiers & civilian volunteers, Navy ships. Fighter planes & bombers bombing. CU tank tread & Germans moving up. 14:08:22 British landing in Norway, Operation Claymore. Destroying large buildings, storage. 14:08:47 Japanese landings w/ heavy smoke behind. Graphics of Japanese expansion. US Navy Building; Meeting of Navy & Marine Officers, viewing maps, plans. Engineers at drafting tables. Blueprints. Workers in factory listening. 14:10:04 Construction of Higgins (?) Boats. Launching LSTs. Soldiers practicing landings, advancing under fire. (GOOD) 14:11:15 US naval ships firing at night. Loading of ships by order of landing. Convoy at night & day, men on board. Planes take off from aircraft carrier. Kamikaze plane & aircraft carrier guns; down in flames alongside ship (GOOD). 14:13:06 Planning landing, briefings. SOF. Night, carrier plane launch; assault troops readied & LCPs lowered, men in camouflage into boats. Battleships firing barrage. POV strafing airfield & dog fighting. Continued... WW2; WWII Pacific Battles; USA Homefront - Industry;

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