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Below White Top Reel 1

Reel Number: 220463-06

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1921,1941

Country: USA

Location: Southern Appalachia Virginia

TC Begins: 09:45:20

TC Ends: 10:00:44

Duration: 00:15:24

Below White Top Documentary: On the Lutheran Church's home missions in southern Appalachia. Reel 1: Traces the poverty area's nineteenth century history. A Lutheran minister counters the residents' bias against education and advocates it as an eventual cure for area problems. Shows growth of Lutheran churches and schools in Virginia, in 1921. Mountain home / shack - family on porch with dog - young man making fiddle. Mountain range, rivers. Steam train through mountains - family wave as train passes. Good shots steam engine and wheels, train over viaduct. Digger excavating. Car along road. Two men using double saw to fell tree. Logging - wood cutting. Factory / industry comes to the area. Old time Minister holding outdoor meeting title “ The Bible is enough salvation! Book larnin’ is the Devil’s tool” Minister with bible. Industrial shots - destroyed forests, tree stumps. Unemployed men, family in poverty. Minister. Title “ 1910 - A Ray of Hope Glimmers in a mountain cove “ 09:52:39 Shots water wheel - man walking into building, sign Coan Ground - K.G. Killinger. Interior man with sack of corn ground into flour. CU pamphlet - The Augsburg Sunday School Teacher. Man leaves with sack and pamphlet. Miller stands by door. Mother hitting teenage son on backside with piece of wood. Young boys in woods drinking liquor. Miller with family. Miller with sick old lady . Title re millers dreams becoming reality. Sign Kenneth G. Killinger - The Mountain Missionary of the Lutheran Synod of Virginia. Marion, Virginia July 24th 1921. Lutheran minister holds open air meeting - meeting held in progressively bigger places including hut and railway carriage. Finally a real church - interior - children singing. Exterior people leaving church. Mountain still - minister visits moonshiner - montage shots “ conversions “ to religion. and work as visiting minister. Map showing growth of missions.

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