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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221223-11
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1939
Country: USA
Location: Atlanta,Georgia,Hardeeville,SOUTH CAROLINA
TC Begins: 05:52:29
TC Ends: 06:01:44
Duration: 00:09:15
CCC Camp #4432, Hardeeville, South Carolina; Southern Governors & Economics (Apr-May39) Apr39 Hardeeville, South Carolina Black CCC Camp men in formation, drilling past barracks w/ white officers. Boarding trucks & leaving barracks area. Hoeing around bean plant in farm; moving wheelbarrow loads of dirt to build dike in swamp as part of Dept of Agriculture Wild Bird Refuge. Bugler in front of barracks and men out & line up. 05:57:43 Mr. Carroll Downes, Industrial Consultant in office headquarters of Southern Governors’ Conference dictating letter to secretary. Looking at envelopes w/ letterheads. CU posters on walls for organization w/ photographs. Framed page: “With Malice Towards None”.Governor Rivers & of Georgia & Mr. Downes look at proofs for conference posters & ads. Ext. Bona Allen Building - Atlanta Builders Exchange entrance. New South; Economics; Depression; Segregation; Poverty; Federal Works Programs; Organizations; Negroes; Blacks;