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Do Unto Animals R1 of 2

Reel Number: 221290-01

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1930s

Country: USA


TC Begins: 01:01:00

TC Ends: 01:10:43

Duration: 00:09:43

Do Unto Animals R1 of 2 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry 01:01:22 Cattle driven w/ farm in background. Cattle & sheep grazing. Steam engine freight train runby at station platform w/ cattle cars. Cattle truck past. High pan over livestock holding pens at stockyards. 01:02:24 Glass door sign: The National Live Stock Loss Prevention Bd. H.R. Smith Gen. Mgr. Woman taking dictation on recording machine. MCU of man looking at paperwork. CU clock 2:50, ticks minute. Truck pulls away from livestock chute, dead cow or steer on ground. Dead sheep pulled off by horse. Hogs dead piled. 01:03:33 Large sides of beef hanging, marked as choice by inspector. damaged carcasses tagged, bruises pointed out. Man trimming bruised meat from carcasses. 01:05:11 Hides damaged. Carcasses w/ whip bruises; pig carcass bruised by cane. Men trimming pork hams on conveyor line. MCU trimming leg damaged by kick. Pig belly trimmed where kicked. Sheep carcass w/ damage. 01:06:36 Truck w/ rough inside uprights that will injure. Dropping tail for loading. Man feeding hay into cattle pen. Loading cart & adding bedding to truck before loading hogs. Fixing partitions in place. Covering truck w/ canvas for protection against heat & cold. 01:08:40 CU Safe Shipping Certificate. Men in barnyard kicking hogs while loading. Canvas slapper to be used instead. Truck out of farmyard. Truck prepared for shipping w/ sand or water depending on season. Driving hogs into truck w/ canvas slapper & w/ protective barriers in truck. Man using electric cattle prod to load. Unloading at railroad shipping point. Educational Film; Farming; Livestock; 1930s Rural Americana; Good Examples; Bad Examples;

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