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Evolution Of The Oil Industry, The Pt. 3 of 3

Reel Number: 221191-03

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1950s

Country: USA


TC Begins: 05:19:58

TC Ends: 05:29:28

Duration: 00:09:30

The Evolution Of The Oil Industry (195?) Pt. 3 of 3 Color Large oil refinery at work; Large building w/ Research Laboratories on side. Illustration & animated diagram shown how refracting takes place. Refinery shot, then illustration shown cracking process. Refinery, illustration showing use of catalyst & distillation and reuse. 05:22:22 Refinery shots. Man at dials. Various new industries using petroleum: plastics, soaps & detergents, synthetic rubber industry. 05:23:16 Laying of large pipeline & digging trenches. Welding sections, wrapping after cleaning, Map showing pipelines across USA showing oil to refineries and delivery system. 05:24:44 Large oil tankers at sea. Railroad tank cars and a full train passing under camera on overpass. Tank trucks delivery to service station. Attendants washing windows; Man driving Cadillac convertible that uses plastics, rubber etc. from petroleum. Driving on oil based highway; Good American Airlines passenger plane. 05:26:45 Cotton pickers, tractors & other farming machinery. Incubation brooders & chicks, smog pots burning oilt, car to home. Military convoy, B-36 overhead. Naval battleship. Road-grader & earthmoving equipment. Bulldozer. men leaving factory after shift. Paint, plant sprays, hair car. Aerial over refinery. Titusville, PA wooden drilling site. Large derrick at sundown & pumping station next to it. The End. Oil Production; Petroleum Exploration; Geology; 1950s; NOTE: Any continuous ten minutes of film sold at per reel rate.

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