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Golden Fleece, The

Reel Number: 221201-02

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1930s

Country: Australia


TC Begins: 20:10:39

TC Ends: 20:19:53

Duration: 00:09:14

The Golden Fleece An Australian Government Production 20:11:04 Men riding on horseback in Australian countryside, sheep herd nearby - John MacArthur? CU farmhands showing Merino ram w/ very thick coat. British VO re domestic industry supplying over one quarter of world’s wool. Sheep grazing, shepherds & owner’s daughter separates ewes from lambs. Sheep dipping in trough. Sheep force-fed tonic w/ spray gun. Huge flocks of sheep across plains & thru enclosure for counting - sheep up ramp into shed. 20:14:41 INT sheep shearing w/ power shears under way. Shaven sheep branded w/ paint & out to pasture. Fleeces sorted & bales out on cart & loaded onto truck; off to market - freight train on railroad. Bales up conveyor at wool store, weighed, bales opened in display room for inspection by buyers & auctioneer. 20:18:58 Auction in progress (SOF), buyers leaping out of seats & shouting bids. Agriculture; Sheep Farming; Wool Hides; Commerce; Industry; 1930s Australian Outback.

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