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Just Kids (Leather glove manufacturing)

Reel Number: 220457-02

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1920s

Country: USA


TC Begins: 03:03:00

TC Ends: 03:10:12

Duration: 00:07:12

Just Kids (Leather glove manufacturing) Man holding chamois-like leather. Rolling leather into into wet cloth for stretching. Gloves, hand-made on work bench, leather cut, pattern cut. Die cutting pattern w/ press. Different parts of glove before stitching. 03:05:06 Women at Singer sewing machines stitch gloves, tries them on. 03:05:56 Gloves put on form & turned inside out. Cutting w/ hand die. Women stitching; fitting liner & outside over form. Mittens made. Cutting wristlets; glueing or dyeing; stitching on Singer sewing machine. Cutting, pasting & sewing cuffs together. Gloves on steam-heated forms, then ironed. Smoothing leather, putting on buttons. 03:09:11 Workshop floor w/ piles of finished gloves on table, man inspects. Final inspection, fur-lined glove. 03:09:51 Boys & men ice skating. Boy holds sitting girl’s shoe, she throws snow at him. He puts gloves on. Fashion; Industry; Work Gloves; Dress Gloves; Manufacturing; Hand Labor; Craftsmanship; 1920s Americana; Winter Recreation;

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