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Making Books

Reel Number: 221633-05

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1947

Country: USA


TC Begins: 05:43:36

TC Ends: 05:53:36

Duration: 00:10:00

Making Books Encyclopaedia Britannica 05:43:50 Man typing at desk, takes sheet out of typewriter & puts w/ other pages for book. Typesetter at work, molds dropping into box & line of type goes up filled & set into position. 05:45:06 Finished lines placed on table to arrange on page w/ pictures. Composer making up pages; locks them into frames & evens out. Covers & presses into soft wax; wax into copper bath to make plates, then to press & puts 64 pages into the press bed & tightens; does other side. Then press moves paper around drum & inked. Sheets off press, man examines. 05:49:49 Sheets to folding machine. Man checks that pages are in proper order, then moved to gathering room & women (narrator: “girls”) put piles into bins & machine moves all into stack for books. Moved to machine that stitches the bindings, then trimmed. Books moved along line to receive covers of cloth over paperboard. 05:52:50 Covers stamped, added to pages & glued. Finished books off conveyor. The End. Educational Films; Publishing Industry; Workers; Labor; Assembly Line; 1940s; 1947;

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