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Mining - Coal; Tacoma & Olympia, Washington Pt. 1 of 2

Reel Number: 221618-03

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1922

Country: USA

Location: Olympia,Pennsylvania,Tacoma,Washington

TC Begins: 22:28:34

TC Ends: 22:37:09

Duration: 00:08:35

Mining - Coal; Tacoma & Olympia, Washington Pt. 1 of 2 Miner drilling by hand, flame burning on helmet; man picking. Breaking loose ceiling rock. Men loading cars in mine; moving them past camera. Power engine pulling cars. Mules in mine; blacksmith shoeing mule. Cars raised to surface, int. & exterior. Covered conveyors above mine. Building above w/ steam; dumping cars into conveyor; cars up & down parallel shafts. 22:31:09 Flash title; “The Diamond Drift... Men out of drift shaft on small electric engine pulling string of filled coal cars. Out & past camera. Empties pushed back into mine. 22:31:53 Small steam locomotive pulling long line of coal cars & moved on to dumping machine. MCU dumping. Empty cars past. 22:32:57 Ext. Men wait for arriving elevator, miners off & walk past. Clean miners leaving building; pose w/ others black w/ coal dust. 22:33:26 Ext. LS of breaker building. Coal piles. CU machinery w/ gears, conveyor belts, watering coal. CU fan room. Buildings & man beside conveyor belt. Winter w/ man walking thru snow next to coal piles. Train thru yard. Large open pit mine & steam shovel loading coal cars in front of small steam engine. 22:35:19 Flash title: “Miners’ Homes, well built & comfortable, are erected by the Coal Companies.” Two well dress men in overcoats on sidewalk as woman & child past on sidewalk. Behind large duplex houses. 22:35:31 Flash title: “Culm Dumps - coal not of a marketable size & refuse is piled...washing redeems a large percentage for fuel.” Piles shown outside steaming buildings. Men alongside conveyor built moving washed coal up from pile; mcu man w/ high pressure hose washing coal falling onto conveyor. MCUs & LSs. 22:36:30 Model T thru coal yard on icy road. Dirty water draining from conveyor. 22:36:49 Flash title: “Leaving the coal fields for the freight yard where the coal is sorted for shipment.” Engine pulling coal train past w/ men riding on top of coal cars. Continued... 1916; ca 1910s; Heavy Industry; Coal Mining;

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