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One Ounce of Safety

Reel Number: 221523-01

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1940s

Country: USA


TC Begins: 18:01:19

TC Ends: 18:19:40

Duration: 00:18:21

One Ounce of Safety A SERRA Production. ‘One of a series prepared by the International Shoe Company in the interests of foot safety.’ Hy-Test Safety Shoes - Manufactured by International Shoe Company. Credits. 18:02:10 Montage: Coal mining, welding, oil drilling. Steel plant w/ workers at various machines. Newspaper clipping of worker saving his workmate’s foot in an accident. Others kidding him. Workman goes home, wife & little girl; family hugs, sees article in newspaper. 18:03:52 Man sits in chair, removes shoe to show he has partly artificial foot. Smoking. Flashback before accident: time clock, looking at safety posters, demonstration of toe protectors - safety shoes. 18:05:03 Man using drill press - heavy pipe drops on unprotected foot. 18:05:29 In hospital bed after accident, doctor tells him he has lost some toes. Rehabilitation: wheelchair, walking with crutches, limping. Back to work at machinery. Others limping on factory floor, tool crib. 18:07:58 Gets safety shoes, feet measured for width, catalogue of safety shoes. Various people wear safety shoes. Man w/ micrometer. Tool chest. CU counting on fingers. 18:10:54 Workers attend lecture about safety shoes. Stills of foot accidents. Men in hospital & wheelchair, crutches. Shoes shown. Demonstration of shoes, railroad wheels roll over shoes for comparison. Men washing up & putting on aprons. Men bet on shoes, which is which? Goofing off. Gag. 18:17:52 Man at drill press, & accident - worker taken to medical room - shoe has saved foot. 18:18:56 Man sitting smoking after remembering incident, picks up newspaper. Industrial Safety; Accidents; Manufacturing; Machine Shop; Workers; 1940s; Promotional Films;

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