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Safety Lessons in Metal Mining R1 of 6

Reel Number: 221619-14

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1914

Country: USA

Location: Franklin,New Jersey

TC Begins: 01:18:14

TC Ends: 01:31:16

Duration: 00:13:02

Safety Lessons in Metal Mining R1 of 6 Title: “This film was made...at the zinc mine of the New Jersey Zinc Co., Franklin, N.J. Men entering plant. View from the inside of Time Office Gates at the start of a shift.” 01:18:49 Men past in heavy coats, houses beyond. 01:19:22 Title: “Getting carbide for acetylene mine lamp. Men passing from Change House to the Top Landing Shaft Station.” Men given carbide from window. 01:19:50 Title: “Depositing work checks on checkboard at top landing. Drunken workman is detected by man in charge & is sent home.” Man place checks on board as supervisor watches; stops man & sends him away. 01:20:25 Title: “Lowering men into the mine. A man who pushes is taken from line. Men are cautioned to keep arms within car. A late-comer is kept from car after signal is given.” Men line up & climb onto skip; man pulled out of line. Skip is lowered. 01:21:54 Title: “Automatic safety stop on hoisting engine. The hoisting engineer drops from sickness, & engine slowly stops itself.” Drum unrolling & rolling cable; operator at lever watching arrow; dramatically collapses & drum slows to stop. 01:22:32 Title: “Close view of automatic device...brakes applied.” CU machinery shutting down. 01:23:01 Title: “Car coming to rest a little above landing point in the head-frame.” Ext. w/ car up w/ one man only. 01:23:16 Title: “Mining operations in a stope at start of shift. the stoper, who is responsible for safe condition...Enters, unlocks danger sign & turns it around. Two men down ladder. 01:24:04 Title: “Stoper examines condition...” Probing roof w/ pole, much rubble on floor. 01:24:29 Title: “Shift boss directs stoper to place prop timbers.” They measure & begin working to place timber & wedge w/ sledge hammer; move on. 01:25:36 Title: “Shift boss marks w/ lamp the places..holes drilled... They climb over rocks & he marks. 01:26:10 Title: “Drilling back holes & block-holing chunks.” Two men w/ different drills working. 01:26:34 Title: “Drill runner stands w/ foot beneath machine...could have been avoided...” Injures foot; boss explains proper way. 01:28:06 Title: “Stoping accident from fall of ground. Shift boss...orders placing of props.” Several miners working to drill into ceiling, place timber posts. Drilling, large piece falls. Title. Man gets shift boss, pantomime’s accident. Boss sends note to arrange for rescue. Messenger at elevator waits; operator comes & calls. Continued on LN 501-765... 1914 Government Safety Film; Heavy Industry; Mining; Dangerous; Work Place Hazards; Staged; Documentary Educational Film;

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