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Safety Lessons in Metal Mining R4 of 6

Reel Number: 221620-03

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1914

Country: USA

Location: Franklin,New Jersey

TC Begins: 02:27:29

TC Ends: 02:39:18

Duration: 00:11:49

Safety Lessons in Metal Mining R4 of 6 Continued... Title: “Care of stope from which broken ore...is being drawn. Placing timber trusses...” Man drilling, then measuring for timber; placing diagonal timber & others. Pounding cap into place & pounding spikes. Finishing w/ smaller poles & planks. 02:31:03 Title: “Men trimming loose ground from the sides...boss orders them out in time...” Man w/ pick moving loose small rocks down slope; climbs up to where another is poking w/ pole into side wall. Both men use poles to leverage large rock & bos gets them out before rocks come down from higher up stope. 02:33:11 Title: “Driving off the top of the pile of broken ore...” Men work. 02:33:49 Title: “Electric haulage of 66 cubic feet cars.” Pulling up to below chute & men dump to fill car, pull ahead. 02:34:23 Title: “...train to a shaft storage pocket & the dumping of the saddle-back cars.” Electric locomotive pulls carts over chute, side doors opened & two cars dumped at same time, train pulls ahead & two more dumped. 02:35:31 Title: “Loading ore into skips in slope shaft. Chairs are lowered to support skip in position for loading...” Car or ?? against bottom brace. 02:35:57 Title: “Turning four-way cock causes hydraulic ram...” Unloading chute & stopping. 02:36:32 Title: “When under-swung gate is closed...” Gate raised & rock iinto hopper; lowered to stop. Skip or ?? raises. 02:37:05 Title: “Handling dynamite & detonators. Dynamite storage magazine placed in tailings pile...” Men carry dynamite cases out of storage magazine, last one out shuts door. 02:37:49 Title: “All detonators are crimped upon the fuse by a surface powderman...” Man at table measuring out fuses, cutting & crimping. Ends of bundle into bucket & swirled around. Continued... 1914 Government Safety Film; Heavy Industry; Mining; Dangerous; Work Place Hazards; Medical; Staged; Documentary Educational Film.

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