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Troops Despatched to Quell Disorders at Mine Strike Zone

Reel Number: 221244-13

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1932

Country: Spain,USA

Location: Cadiz,Ohio

TC Begins: 22:14:02

TC Ends: 22:15:50

Duration: 00:01:48

Troops Despatched to Quell Disorders at Mine Strike Zone LS of mine w/ US flag & army soldiers w/ rifles & bayonets (?) coming out of mine w/ guards outside. Wooden sign over entrance: Safety First. Trees & stumps on hillside above entrance. Men standing in back of truck in caps & coats as truck drives off. Army patrolling entrance to mine grounds. Miner train out of mine. Miners sitting around fires & standing outside of mine. Soldiers w/ machine guns guarding entrance to mine grounds. Army officer performing autopsy (?). 22:15:23 Band leading parade w/ long line of miners following slowly walking up street. 22:15:40 Electric train w/ coal out of mine entrance. Strikers; Picketing; Poverty; Coal Mining Industry; Military Intervention; Depression; Labor Unions; Strike Breaking;

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