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Unique War, The Pt 3 of 3

Reel Number: 220488-08

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1960s,1970s

Country: Vietnam


TC Begins: 06:32:05

TC Ends: 06:39:11

Duration: 00:07:06

The Unique War Pt 3 of 3 Re American helping ordinary Vietnamese in Vietnam War. Narrated by Commander Glenn Ford, 06:32:05 GI w/ group of children playfully teaching them English, distributes candy & chewing-gum; kids laugh. CU of kids faces. Fowl & pigs in reed baskets unloaded off American planes & into trucks to distribute to Vietnamese. Twin-engine transport plane takes off; in flight over fields; landing as kids watch open-mouthed. Rice sacks distributed; CU “donated by the people of the United States of America”; food distribution to villagers; GIs handing out food. American doctor gives medical or dental examination to Vietnamese children & woman. Kids watch; drops put in eyes. Army medic w/ Red Cross arm band washes kids. 06:36:15 Truck in village. GIs helping w/ village construction work; mix paint. Kids in school. Bridge being crossed by villagers. GIs help w/ rice harvest. Vietnamese informer w/ GI looking at map. Firing gun from ship; old Vietnamese woman gets tooth pulled out. (dentist) Americans distribute food, medical aid - vaccinate, holding kids, tending wounds. Vietnam War; Hearts & Minds; Propaganda; Military Educational Film; 1960s; 1970s; NOTE: Any continuous 12 minutes from entire film (3 cards) sold at per reel rate.

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