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Woodworker, The

Reel Number: 221387-08

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1940

Country: USA


TC Begins: 16:06:02

TC Ends: 16:16:44

Duration: 00:10:42

The Woodworker Burton Holmes / Vocational Guidance Films, Inc. - ‘Your Life Work’ series 16:06:17 Large college gymnasium. Types of “Rough” carpentry in woodworking shown - workers erecting scaffolding & building forms for concrete on large residential construction site; CU plywood; farm buildings built using rough carpentry. Building foundation forms. 16:07:33 Building frame house - platform/deck w/ joists assembled; wall frame put up w/ sheathing; inside walls; erecting roofs. Installing inside finish - higher-skilled work - stairs; hanging doors; kitchen cabinets installed. NB film stops & starts from 02:10:24 to 02:10:34. 16:10:29 Woodworking mill - machine operators; window sash & door assembly; stair building; cabinet shops; veneers cut, matched & glued; furniture stained & polished. 16:13:13 Patternmaking for casting - patternmaker shapes wooden pattern both by hand and by machine, assembles parts, rounds corners, & shellacs whole pattern; finished pattern placed in a sand mold, sand packed around it, pattern removed & metal poured; after metal cooled, sand removed. 16:15:22 Opportunities in the woodworking fields - views of draftsmen at work as narration describes need for carefully made blueprints & points out possibilities of advancement to foremanship, shop owner, & contractor. Scenes of mechanical drawing, mathematics, & woodworking classes as VO says these high school subjects are useful to those planning to be woodworkers. Careers; Jobs; Apprenticeships; Manual Labour; Trades; House Building; Construction Industry; Craftsmen; Laborers; Cabinet Makers; 1940s; 1930s;

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