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WWII - 1944, China, Homefront: Chinese Silk Mill; Cotton Mill; Porcelain Plant & Coolies

Reel Number: 221800-05

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1944,1940s

Country: China

Location: Chunking aka Chongqing

TC Begins: 14:42:02

TC Ends: 14:52:14

Duration: 00:10:12

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk WWII - 1944, China, Homefront: Chinese Silk Mill; Cotton Mill; Porcelain Plant & Coolies Chinese Nationalist army workers / coolies push & pull car w/ parachutes out of temple converted to silk mill, past sentries. 14:42:21 MCU Young women at looms weaving sik. MS men in army uniforms inspecting silk w/ officer smoking cigarette overseeing. 14:43:00 Soldier at Singer machine sewing parachutes. Two soldiers packing & folding chute, CUs. Nationalist symbol on Army cap. 14:44:01 Girls / women in aprons out of Cotton Spinning Factory, hurry past camera, MCUs. 14:44:52 Men sweeping cotton spillage & filling crate; another flattening cotton in large box. 14:45:11 LS of factory w/ women at winding machines. 14:45:51 MCU woman winding large spools of cotton threads; man feeding raw cotton from conveyor onto sorting (?) machine; raw cotton dropped into machine from above. 14:46:57 MS Women at thread winding machine. 14:47:45 MLS two women winding large spools. 14:47:57 Slug. 14:48:00 LS Across industrial village w/ smoke rising & drilling (?) platforms. 14:48:31 MS Coolies moving heavily loaded cart w/ white bags. MS factory buildings, steam & smoke from chimneys. 14:48:48 MCU two men wrapping bark or fiber strips around poles (prow of boat ?). 14:49:13 Interior, 4 men working pile of clay for porcelain, steam rising, possibly shoveling into liquid mix. 14:49:47 LS View across reservoir or ?? w/ small junks / boats to low buildings & hillside. View from junk to Army coolies bringing heavy loads of porcelain (?) hanging from poles; MCUs loading aboard seen from within & from shore. Row of junks down stream. 14:50:44 MS Coolies carrying heavy loads up city path from river; down hill w/ load hanging from pole carried by 2 coolies to dock, weighed & loaded. 14:51:42 Interior w/ man watching pipe pulled from ??; draining water. 14:51:58 LS scenic past junks tied together towards dam’s spillways. Heavily loaded junks poled. WW2; Workers; Laborers; Working; Manufacturing; Production; 1940s; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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