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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221261-17
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1931
Country: USA
Location: New York City,NYC
TC Begins: 07:58:00
TC Ends: 08:12:43
Duration: 00:14:43
Poultry Marketing R4 of 5 Women workers sitting at bench cutting up chickens & separating meat from bone; buckets in front of them. Adding chicken grease to the meat, in large metal kettle, adding spices and stirring w/ large fork. Ladels of grease added. Cans are hand-cleaned by women wearing white caps at bench. Weigh mixture & filling cans by hand. 07:59:47 Old man in white coat in w/ government inspector (?) who samples as many women looking very stern watch. Cans of chicken broth sealed on automatic machine & sterilized in large tubs. Men open and lift out to cool. Women glueing labels onto cans. Large canning machine working and men taking finished cans off and pack in cartons. Whole canned chicken shown in tins. Women scraping pin feathers off mound of chickens on bench in large factory room. Women putting on conveyor to singe them, then moving along conveyor & women cutting off legs & cleaning up. 08:02:26 Inspector checking finished cleaned whole birds. Cutting up chickens on saw. Women removing entrails. Canning w/ giblets in special oval can, sealed and put into sterilizer & cooked under pressure. 08:05:09 Bureau of Agriculture Economics inspects a display of many brands & types of packaged chicken w/ CUs. LS Very large cold storage building. Another in city. City street w/ some traffic (GOOD NEUTRAL SHOT). Opening crate of frozen chickens & trying to remove them. 08:07:51 Railroad car w/ chicken crates full of live poultry. Men filling RR crates w/ live birds from smaller crates. Farmers weighing crates of chickens on platform scales; then move them into RR car. 08:09:03 car pulling trailer w/ chicken crate up to railroad shed. Turkey in bag caried to car. Horse & wagons w/ crates. Man getting water from overhead pipe & pouring into trays for chickens. LS of market and putting canvas sheets over side of open railroad car. 08:10:18 View of Manhattan from across harbor w/ many ferries moving in several directions. New York City’s poultry market w/ sheds alongside tracks in rail yards, buildings behind. Trucks w/ crates parked & moving. GOOD. Man marking arrival of train cars on chalk board. View of trainload of chicken crates; inspector looking at random chickens. 08:12:30 Diseased chicken pulled out & killed. Meat Packing; Hygiene; Health Inspectors; Department of Agriculture; 1930s;