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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220687-11
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1964,1960s
Country: USA
Location: California,Massachusetts,New York,Phoenix, Arizona,Washington, DC
TC Begins: 20:12:49
TC Ends: 20:18:37
Duration: 00:05:48
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1964 - Elections, USA: Presidential President Johnson on podium making speech - says winning is a tribute to the program begun by John F Kennedy. “It is a mandate for unity. It serves no special interest; no business government, no labor government, no one faction, no one group. But a government that is a servant of all people.” 20:13:34 Titles. 20:13:39 People going to the polls to vote & voting across America behind voting booth curtains. MS & CUs. 20:14:27 Sign: Johnson City - Home Town of Lyndon B. Johnson. LBJ & wife Lady Bird cast votes at Pedernales High School. Cameramen; photographers. LBJ putting ballot inn box. MCUs w/ reporters. 20:14:59 Line of voters outside Arizona school. Senator Goldwater & wife in Phoenix signing autographs & casting vote in voting booth; talking to reporters. 20:15:31 New York City, woman leaves voting booth - CU senate candidates on ballot including Robert Kennedy. Brief night shot NYC Times Square street scene. Senator Keating w/ Rockefeller & supporters cheering. Cheering crowds as Senator-elect Kennedy takes stand at victory celebration in Statler Hilton. 20:16:25 Massachusetts sign to re-elect Edward / Ted Kennedy as Senator. Ted Kennedy in hospital following plane crash during campaign; laying on stomach smiling & is joined by wife & two children. Press motion picture cameras. 20:16:48 California - Republican George Murphy wins over Pierre Salinger 20:17:08 Washington, DC - queues to vote for first time in 164 years. Dean Rusk, Omar Bradley seen voting. Blacks voting; Whites voting w/ one Black woman seen, CU cardboard ballot box. 20:17:52 Exterior White House. 20:17:55 Supporters waving flags; Johnson and family on stage after winning landslide - crowds cheering. Johnson to lectern. Standing & waving w/ Vice President Hubert Humphrey. Celebration; 1964 Presidential Election; Winners; Losers; 1960s; NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: