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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220476-60
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1942,1940s
Country: England,Hong Kong,Philippines,Singapore,United Kingdom,USA
Location: Dutch East Indies,Hong Kong,Islands,Pacific,Philippine,Singapore
TC Begins: 18:21:12
TC Ends: 18:23:16
Duration: 00:02:04
WWII - 1941, Pacific: Preparations, Overview. ca Dec41 Title: Battleground Of The Pacific, The - A Camera Survey Of The War In The Far East. 18:21:17 Filipino troops at attention, fix bayonets, marching w/ US soldiers at award ceremony. 18:21:29 Montage: CU General MacArthur without sunglasses; Filipino troops fire artillery, machine guns. Map of SE Asia, Bali, New Guinea. Aerial of Britain’s naval base in Singapore. British bi-planes in formation; plane drops torpedo. Singapore troops firing antiaircraft guns in training. Small tanks in jungle. Aerial of Hong Kong; firing antiaircraft guns & large artillery from Hong Kong mountain top emplacement. 18:22:31 Dutch East Indies pilots take off; fly in formation. 18:22:51 Column of ships of Dutch East Indian Navy; submarines; destroyers (?) & battleships firing guns. Various boats launching torpedoes. WW2;