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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221627-25
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1940s,1950s,1951
Country: USA
Location: Florida,Key West
TC Begins: 05:45:02
TC Ends: 05:47:04
Duration: 00:02:02
1951 ca. - President Truman: Arrives Key West Naval Air Station, Florida Men off Eastern Air Lines plane w/ The Champions / El Campeon on side. Down steps carrying bags, most w/ mustaches, real or fake, & wearing odd caps. Strange. Probably press corps? 05:45:12 Presidential Plane “The Independence” taxiing; President Truman off & down steps, greeted by Navy officers in dress whites. Truman shaking hands; also w/ civilians. Into open car & waving. Leaving past lines of saluting sailors along road. 05:46:07 Reviewing Marine (?) Honor Guard. Back into car & past long line of sailors & officers. MCUs. 1940s; 1950s;