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Korea - Allies Hold Tight As Truman Alerts Nation

Reel Number: 221299-07

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1950

Country: Japan,Korea,USA


TC Begins: 08:37:42

TC Ends: 08:41:01

Duration: 00:03:19

Korea - Allies Hold Tight As Truman Alerts Nation B-29 superfortresses on flight line; taking off. POV from nose of othe planes in flight. Bombs dropping seen thru bomb bay doors. POV strafing. 08:38:41 Trooop reinforcements pouring ashore off landing craft; equipment on dock beside ship. Doll hanging. CU of dog held by GI. CUs of GIs; marching along road, moving in jeeps & on tanks. General Walker & Gen. Dean by roadside w/ map. Tank by roadside; burning truck on road. Camouflaged artillery & moving large shell. Howitzers fired. Swish pan. 08:39:55 President Truman speaks (SOF) “...free nations must be on their guard more than ever before.... Lawless aggression will be met by fatal force...” “We know that the cost of freedom is high, but we are determined to preserve our freedom no matter what the cost.“ Korean War; Air Force Action; Fighting;

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