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Go to HomepageReel Number: 280101-11
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1951
Country: USA
Location: DC,New Jersey,Texas,Washington
TC Begins: 01:54:53
TC Ends: 02:03:00
Duration: 00:08:07
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Title: Sports Feature. (National Amateur Golf Championship, 1951) 01:55:04 North Texas State College w/ students walking across tree shaded quadrangle. 01:55:11 Interior of classroom w/ man lecturing (MOS), pan to Billy Maxwell. 01:55:23 Students out of building w/ books. Maxwell & wife at home, she brings him glass of milk. 01:55:43 Spectators watching on golf course. Joe Gagliardi onto green; Maxwell putting & walking. Maxwell hits out of sand trap into the cup. Gagliardi putting. LS of crowd. MS putting. 01:57:07 Winning & shaking hands w/ 2nd place Gagliardi, MS. Crowd applauding; CU w/ cup & at home. Shot of college campus. 01:57:31 North Texas State President J.C. Matthews w/ Maxwell. On lawn showing technique . 01:57:53 Title: America’s Heritage - Thomas Jefferson.... 01:58:13 Library of Congress scientists handling Declaration of Independence & fitting into sealed helium filled glass enclosure. Truman shaking hands w/ President Harold W. Dodds of Princeton & receiving a copy of first volume of papers of Jefferson. 01:58:48 Princeton University campus & people working on Jefferson project, microfilming, printing. Wall lined w/ cabinets to organize copies of Jefferson papers. Half-dozen people working. 01:59:2 MCU Editor & Princeton Librarian Julian P. Boyd w/ associate editors Lyman H. Butterfield & Mina Bryan. CUs of first draft of Declaration of Independence & other papers including plan for Washington DC. 01:59:52 Princeton University Press entrance gate & interior w/ P.J. Conkright Jr. inspecting cover design. Type setting, printing press workers & machines. Princeton Press director Datus C. Smith Jr. & Conkright inspect book. 02:00:35 Monticello home exteriors, weathervane; glass doors opening together; bedroom; desk; pendulum of cloak; pantograph / polygraph for writing copies of correspondence. Eye glasses w/ design papers; design for his tombstone & epitaph. MS of stone & inscription. 02:01:50 University of Virginia shots, portraits. Jefferson Memorial exterior & interior. 02:02:44 The End. (voice over a commercial for Houston Post & Saturday page of teenage news). Publication; Presidential Papers; College; University; Projects; NOTE: Any continuous minute sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: