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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221712-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1962
Country: USA
TC Begins: 08:14:56
TC Ends: 08:28:46
Duration: 00:13:50
Titles 08:15:25 MS Air Force Chief of Chaplains, Major General Terence P. Finnegan, speaking from behind desk introduces film: “...very few things contribute more to our happiness, than our lack of it, than our family life...” 08:16:39 Introduces head of AF in Europe four-star Gen. Truman H. Landon who speaks to camera about family life in the service, feeling of security. “...but their mental picture usually includes pictures of our great missiles such as the Atlas & Titan...” Launches. MCU of Convair B-58 Hustler from above clouds. 08:17:24 F-106 taxiing & taking off. Dew-line radar station. 08:17:42 “...we may forget the human element behind each one...” Talks of need of people AF team. 08:18:23 High angle of football teams playing in sunshine in large stadium, AF cadets cheering. GOOD 08:19:05 Chart graphically showing growing number of families in AF. 08:19:40 CU decal “We are an Air Force family” on car window, parent in front seat & kids run & get in. 08:19:53 Family in bowling alley. Landon reading about AF family overseas & low crime, cut to POV from in car thru suburban housing on base w/ kids playing in front of houses; kids boarding school bus; airman leaving family for work, MS wife & two girls waving goodbye. Landon continues talking to camera. 08:21:48 Animated diagram: Family Obligations - Physical, Mental, Spiritual. Landon talks. 08:22:51 POV past base housing; interior w/ airman reading to two children in living room, wife joins as Landon describes housing. Seated at dining room table, saying grace prayer. 08:23:30 Ext. of commissary, people shopping & pushing grocery carts. Interior at checkout counter. 08:23:51 Ext. Base Exchange (sign), cars past. Woman looking at gardening tools, hose. Airman & boy looking at fishing rods. 08:24:10 Ext of NCO Mess, sign. Car leaving. CU advertisement for night club floor show; interior w/ several couples talking by poster, CUs. Outdoor swimming pool w/ men, women & kids. Landon talking. 08:24:53 Bowling alley scene continues, girl rolls ball. 08:25:04 Ext of large AF hospital & interior w/ waiting room, x-ray machine. 08:25:27 Couple & two boys in living room. Kids playing on swings & teeter-totters at school; kids w/ teacher. 08:25:53 Air Force bus leaving base. Church, family & others leaving & shaking hands w/ minister. Steeple. 08:26:37 MCU Landon talking of available help for family life (stilted). Explains what it has to do w/ leadership. The End. 1962; Propaganda; Morality; Military Families; Daily Life; Recreation; 1960s; Americana;