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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250222-07
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1950,
Country: USA
Location: Quantico,Virginia
TC Begins: 16:53:38
TC Ends: 16:59:08
Duration: 00:05:30
NOTE: to order see: or contact us at: Pre-Korean War - Color, 1950, President Truman: Quantico Maneuvers. 15Jun50 LS Marine officers in grandstand. Four tandem rotor, Piasecki HRP Banana helicopters, in flight 16:53:55 MLS Marines firing small artillery; large explosions; fighter planes overhead; explosions. 16:55:00 MLS Marines in grandstand; MS Truman & VIPs stand in bunting draped shaded stand. 16:55:36 Presidential limousine w/ VIPs leading motorcade on gravel road past saluting Marine MPs. 16:56:25 Slate: President Truman, 15Jun50, Camera Neal. Truman followed by ?? past cars to viewing stand, shows sunglasses to General. Looking at binoculars; CUs, MS laughing. 16:57:53 MS Women Marines in grandstand, MCU. 16:58:13 High angle / HA Virginia State Police beside cars. 16:58:35 LS Marine officer in front of grandstand speaking (MOS) to group; MS wearing microphone. President standing & looking, sits down. 1950s; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. Good color. NOTE: General Lemuel Shepherd, Jr. & General Clifton Cates present. NOTE: to order see: or contact us at: