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Misc. 1950s India Footage re Gandhi, Riots, China Premier Zhou Enlai Arrival

Reel Number: 220809-16

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1946-1956

Country: China,India


TC Begins: 15:23:18

TC Ends: 15:25:13

Duration: 00:01:55

Misc. 1950s India Footage re Gandhi, Riots, China Premier Zhou Enlai Arrival Mahatma Gandhi walking thru crowd held back by police. Gandhi w/ beads, speaks to crowd. Gandhi on bed. 15:23:29 Riot scenes, British police / army beat & disperse demonstrators. 15:24:12 Brief shots re partition, crowds in streets, Nehru w/ others. 15:24:27 Moslem section in flames, Indian soldier w/ machine gun. Dead bodies in street including child. Refugees walk along roads. 15:24:51 China’s Premier Zhou Enlai arrives by plane, greeted by Nehru. Zhou reviews guard of honour India / Pakistan relations; India / China; NOTE: Zhou Enlai visited Nehru in New Dehli, Nov-Dec56.

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