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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220586-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1926
Country: Switzerland
Location: Geneva
TC Begins: 13:47:31
TC Ends: 13:56:09
Duration: 00:08:38
The League of Nations - Seventh Assembly, 1926 R2 of 2 Title: The Assembly of the League of Nations Holding a plenary meeting. Balcony view of delegates & leadership at front, applaud; listening. Observers in balcony. 13:48:06 Title: Mr. Benes, Czechoslovakia, present President of Council, opens Seventh Assembly...on September 6th, 1926. floor activity, Benes at microphone reading. People listen. 13:48:27 Title: Mr. Ninchich, aka Nintchitch, Serb-Croat-Slovene state, President of the Seventh Assembly. CU. Speaks to council after election. 13:48:57 Title: The Assembly voting the admission of Germany at its historic meeting on September 8th. Men talking, by ballot box as delegates cast ballots. 13:49:38 Title: Telegram sent to the German Government...after voting. CU I am instructed by the President of the Assembly...admitted Germany...a permanent seat on the Council. Drummond. 13:49:57 Title: Reply from the German Government. CU I thank you...will leave for Geneva... 13:50:11 Title: Arrival of the German Delegation at Geneva. Railroad station & full platform as train pulls in. Men greeting. Car & men out & past camera. Truck arrives w/ crates; newspaper sellers posing. 13:51:01 Title: Admission of Germany - Herr Stresemann leaving his hotel... Walking out w/ others & posing; walking down sidewalk. 13:51:27 Title: The German Delegation...entering...September 10th, 1926. Past seated delegates to minor applause. Sit listening. 13:52:00 Title: Herr Stresemann... speaking from podium. 13:52:20 Title: Mr Briand...replying... Hall & balcony applauds. 13:52:53 Title: The meeting is adjourned. Delegates stand, leave. Crowd waiting outside w/ newsreel & photographers. 13:53:39 Title: Delegates leaving... Out of building past camera. Emile Vanderwelde, Belgium, & Louis de Brouckere, Belgium. 13:54:16 Eduard Benes & Guiseppe Motta, Switzerland. 13:54:25 Maharajah of Kapurthala, India w/ aides. 13:54:33 Louis Loucheur, France. Aristide Briand poses. Sir Joseph Austen Chamberlain, Great Britain. 13:54:54 Vittoria Scialoja, Italy w/ others. Stresemann. Nintchitch. 13:55:19 Viscount Cecil of Chelwood (Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoyne-Cecil), Great Britain; Mr. Loudon, Netherlands. Jean Paul-Boncour, France. Joseph Beck, Luxemburg. Prince Afra, Persia. Mr. Guetatcheou, Ethiopia / Abyssinia leave hall. 13:55:54 Stresemann, Chamberlain, Briand, von Schubert in hotel (?) room (brief). Diplomats; International Diplomatic Delegations; Diplomacy; 06Sep26; 10Sep26;