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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220650-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1938,1930
Country: England,France,Germany,United Kingdom
Location: Downing street, London,Munich
TC Begins: 14:00:08
TC Ends: 14:06:19
Duration: 00:06:11
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Pre-WII - Chamberlain to Munich & Back, all exteriors (Munich Pact) SOF Chamberlain off plane in rain greeted by Halifax. His speech over & sync to large crowd. Into plane & leaving, people wave. shaking hands. Returning plane landing. Shaking hands. Plane off. 14:01:49 Sports Palace in Berlin w/ Hitler speaking to cheers inside; ext w/ people listening in various situations. German fleet. Planes in swastika & formation (brief). 14:02:43 England - crowds VIPs at airport. Air Raid precautions - sandbagged by sailors. French w/ rifles walking along road. Sign: Reservistes 14:03:43 Mussolini greeted by Hitler & POV past cheering crowds in open top car . Flags. Chamberlain past troops, in car with Ribbentrop, into bldg. Hitler in. Daladier out of car & in. Mussolini in. 14:05:17 London - Crowd outside 10 Downing St. & Mrs Chamberlain out. Chamberlain car thru crowd. Chamberlain w/ King George VI & Queen Elizabeth on balcony at Buckingham palace. (Night) Pre-WW2; Diplomacy; Diplomats; Hope; Royalty; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Out of sync. ONLY Chamberlain speech useful 14:00:09 - 14:00:41. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: