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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220650-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1938
Country: England UNITED KINGDOM,United Kingdom
Location: Heston Airport,London
TC Begins: 14:45:30
TC Ends: 14:55:35
Duration: 00:10:05
Pre-WWII - 1938, Chamberlain Trip to 4 Power Conference & Return w/ Letter Chamberlain out of car, others about. SOF: Cheered as walks to plane. Chamberlain: “...if at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again...” Boards plane, taxiing & takeoff. 14:48:41 MOS: Repeat of preparing to leave & people lstanding, listening. 14:49:15 30Sep38. SOF People waiting & plane landing. Taxiis up in rain. Chamberlain out of plane, shakes hands. Cheering. Stands at microphone: “There are only two things I want to say, first of all I received an immense number of letters...the settlement of the Czechoslovakian problem that has now been achieved is in my view only the prelude to a larger settlement in which all Europe may find peace. This morning I had another talk with Herr Hitler is the paper which bears his name on it as well as mine.” Reads it, but does not actually say Peace in our time. Additional returning footage; and leaving. Pre-WWII; Pre-WW2; 1938; British Prime Minister; Diplomacy; Diplomat;