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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221195-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1938-1939
Country: Czechia,Czechoslovakia,Germany,Italy,Japan,Poland,Spain
Location: Berchtesgaden,Munich,Prague,Rome,Sudetenland
TC Begins: 09:11:41
TC Ends: 09:18:57
Duration: 00:07:16
Continued... German & Italian troops in Spanish Civil War fighting. Ruined buildings. Wounded & dead bodies. Franco banner & reviewing troops. Hirohito - Japanese & goose-stepping troops. Munich Pact signing with Chamberlain, Mussolini, Daladier, Hitler, Goering. Night shot crowd in Rome in square w/ Vittorio Emmanuel memorial in BG. 09:13:29 Germans into Sudetenland, cheering people & old woman throwing flowers. Military band on trucks past camera. Troops through crowds. Nazis into Prague. Hitler at podium calling names of countries in answer to Roosevelt’s (FDR) appeal for peace. 09:14:56 Hitler at Berchtesgaden w/ Goering. Newspaper headlines. Polish planes, tanks, & guns reviewed - military parade. Loading German bombs, fuel, shells; bombers take off & over, in formation. Air to air shots. Bombing of Poland - flak, bombing, bomb craters, burned planes on ground. Stukas take off & in flight; dive bombing POV. Railway tracks bombed. Wreckage inspected by Nazis. German battleship firing. Continued... WWII; WW2; History;