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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250127-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1951
Country: USA
Location: New York City,NYC
TC Begins: 15:03:59
TC Ends: 15:18:21
Duration: 00:14:22
NOTE: to order see: or contact us at: 1951 - USA Television Newsreel: Longines Chronoscope w/ Sen. Joseph McCarthy. 16Nov51 Opening commercial for Logines-Wittnauer Watch Company. Main title: typewriter typing it out. A Television Journal of the Important Issues of the Hour. Frank Knight introduces Col Ansel E. Talbert, an editor of New York Herald Tribune, & William Bradford Huie of American Mercury. 15:05:20 Huie asks about the atrocity reports of Korea. McCarthy says the Judge Advocate General who let out the story “must be telling the truth.” Those guilty are “Acheson’s agrarian reformers....” Huie: Do you think its been improper to withhold the truth from the American people this long? Entirely... 15:06:21 Huie: “As a critic of the State Department & the Administration...” Mc: “That’s putting it mildly!” Why do you think they’ve withheld this information? McCarthy responding to thought that atrocity information was withheld so as to not destroy morale. ”I don’t believe your troops need to be spoon fed. I think they can take the raw, harsh facts...& they should get them.” 15:07:36 Mc: “No reason why Stalin should start a shooting war while he is winning so rapidly without a shooting war & while we are cooperating so fully.” ...Red Tide at the U.N... 15:08:56 Huie: “How do you define McCarthyism, sir? Mc: “I didn’t coin the phrase, The Daily Worker originated the phrase...was the first newspaper to use it...McCarhyism is apparently calling a man a communist who is later proven to be one.” 15:09:34 Huie: “Have you had any regrets on any of the tactics you’ve used in your fight on the State Dept. sir? Mc: “I think at times we should have hit much the Jessop case...” Says that State Dept. can no more change than a leopard can change his spots...quotes Shakespeare’s MacBeth. 15:10:46 Huie: “Do you think you have been guilty of any Un-Americanism yourself...” Mc: “If fighting Communists & getting a bit rough w/ them...then I must plead to being Un-American...” “Sen. Tydings is the man who defeated Sen. Tydings, not McCarthy.” McCarthy talks about Tydings challenge to convict 57 Communists... (too expensive, says McCarthy). 15:12:17 Mc: “LIttle Willie Benton, Connecticut’s mental midget keeps on, it will be unnecessary for me or for anyone else to do any campaigning against him. He’s doing his campaigning against himself!” 15:12:37 Mc on his re-election next year. “..very vicious campaign...the usual party line smear attempt...” 15:13:22 Mc on Presidential aspirations. “I wouldn’t take the vice-president...” Talks about as senior member of Senate committee will be able to subpoena records etc. Talks about McClaren Committee. Only one issue of campaign of 1952...suicidal Kremlin-directed foreign policy.” Pulls out briefcase. 15:15:41 Frank McKnight concludes, and a commercial as he unwraps a Christmas package of a Longines watch. CU various styles turning. Cold War; 1950s; Television News Broadcasting; Anti-Communism; Politics; Korean War; Sleaze; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: to order see: or contact us at: