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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221393-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: Russia,USSR
Location: Russia
TC Begins: 07:00:00
TC Ends: 07:09:19
Duration: 00:09:19
Battle of Kursk (Related) R01 of 18 Title: 1944 Picture: Kalinin presents medal to Stalin. (music) Title: 1945 Picture: Generals on tiered stage applaud arrival of Stalin in uniform & seated posing. (music). 07:01:12 Sd. okay. Pan over railroad flatcars loaded w/ tanks. 07:01:29 Sd. poor Women loading metal cartridges on table of large machine, sized & spit out. Women at machines pointing bullets into cartridges, sorting & packing. 07:02:43 Sd. okay. Tanks out of factory runby. Workers listening; military man on stage gives award (?). Handshaking. 07:03:31 Sd. okay. Women weep over Russian dead men & women laid out on snow. 07:03:58 Sd. okay. Two women & man w/ grenades & rifles along muddy village road, walking past large towed artillery. Greeted by village women. Kisses & hand shakes. Talk to villagers on porch. 07:04:58 Sd. NG. Train w/ flatcars loaded w/ lots of tanks & soldiers on top moving to front. 07:05:11 Sd. NG. Tanks along dusty road, crews atop, forward to front. Smaller tracked vehicles w/ camouflage. 07:05:27 Sd. NG. Soldiers w/ helmets & bedrolls, some women, march to front. 07:05:51 Sd. NG. Soldiers place & fire artillery, place camouflage; large explosion byond sunflower field. Russian infantry advance thru grain field; move machine gun, wild flowers, explosions. 07:06:50 Sd. okay. Overturned & destroyed German tanks; piles of cartridges. Other destroyed equipment; artillery cartridges. Russians looking at burned grain, women crying & holding children. 07:07:30 Sd. okay. Boy following harrow on field, women shovel ditch, pulling plow by hand; plowing w/ oxen & sowing. Fields w/ craters filled w/ water. Women planting potatoes. 07:08:13 Sd. okay. Ranks of German tanks, reviewed by officer on tank. Russians on tanks over uneven terrain. 07:08:28 Sd. okay. General ROTMISTROV w/ General (still). 07:08:36 Sd. okay. Explosions & artillery firing. Airplanes diving & strafing. POV. Seen flying low over tanks. Tank battle, scratchy but good shots. Young Russian officer. End: 07:09:25 WWII Largest Armored Engagement; July 1943; Operation Citadel; Kursk Campaign; Operation Kutuzov; Operation Polkovodets Rumyantsev; NOTE: Eastern Front battles may be of mixed dates. This card sold at per reel rate.