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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221394-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1943
Country: Germany,Russia,USSR
Location: Russia
TC Begins: 09:10:06
TC Ends: 09:21:25
Duration: 00:11:19
Battle of Kursk (Related) R10 of 18 Russian trenches, troops thru; firing rifles & machines guns; digging in field & explosions. Carrying wounded on back & stretcher. View from bunker, troops on phone in trenches. 09:11:14 Aerial over tanks on field. Destroyed German tanks, burning. Dead bodies. Overturned tank & artillery. Tanks German POWs, row of prisoners. 09:12:25 Russian soldier running across rail yard, into car & reporting to officers, looking at maps. 09:12:57 Death & destruction in trenches. Troops thru muddy trench, past wood pile, walking along railroad. Out of bunker w/ German sign on it. Advancing along large trench. 09:13:44 Russian troops reviewed, military band playing & reviewing troops. Commander reading orders of Stalin. Listening soldiers of various units. 09:15:20 Boys & women in Russian factory manufacturing shells. Pan over completed munitions. 09:16:15 Tank production, engines lowered into place. Tank moved by crane, lowered . Crews drive out of factory. 09:17:30 Title: Tanks along dirt road, loaded onto railroad flatcars. 09:18:29 Russian troops marching to front. Tanks along road, fighting across valley & laying land mines. Raising artillery, plane taking off & in flight, over field & along railroad line. Dogfight & German plane crash. Infantry across field, fighting. Two dead Germans. Around Russian infantry moving forward, wounded carried back. Firing rifles & machine guns. Burning tanks & more dead & destroyed equipment. WWII Largest Armored Engagement; July 1943; Operation Citadel; Kursk Campaign; Operation Kutuzov; Operation Polkovodets Rumyantsev; Fighting; NOTE: Includes good sound effects. Eastern Front battles may be mixed dates.