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Construction And Opening Of Belomor Canal

Reel Number: 220921-01

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: N/A

Country: Russia,USSR


TC Begins: 05:00:00

TC Ends: 05:14:12

Duration: 00:14:12

Construction And Opening Of Belomor Canal Scenes of construction in winter and summer of Belomor canal - forced labour. 05:00:56 Visit by Stalin, Voroshilov, Stalin on ship going up canal (intermittent sound) 05:03:09 Men sawing down trees to use in construction; logging. 05:03:45 Men / Women working in office; engineers. 05:04:06 Men walking down road to work, some w/ shovels on shoulders. 05:04:27 Men work: digging, wheelbarrows, pounding. 05:04:55 Band plays whilst men work; various shots men working - split & move big boulders. Flags of units. Wooden platforms for moving rock & dirt. 05:06:53 Men shoveling in mud. Splitting large rocks in snow. 05:08:11 Pile drivers, cranes, conveyor belts. 05:09:03 - 05:09:17 BLACK 05:09:18 Summer & pan across workers gathered, many women, men’s unit w/ banner. 05:09:45 (Titles in French & Russian) Stalin, Voroshilov and Kirov visit Canal, on boat going down canal 05:10:45 - 05:11:04 BLACK 05:11:05 Various shots of construction of canal in snow - workers gathered listening to speaker in snow storm. Band playing inside canal bed. Near finished canal walls being finished. Locks closing, man walks across. Workers climbing out of canal. First Five Year Plan; BBK; convict labor; slave labor; USSR; Russia; NOTE: Belomor - aka White Sea Canal, or 141 mile long Baltic Canal opened 02Aug33.

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