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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220704-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1918-1924
Country: Russia
Location: Moscow
TC Begins: 00:19:57
TC Ends: 00:30:48
Duration: 00:10:51
Death of Lenin (1918 - 1924) 1918, Lenin & wife in car. Russian titles. W/ various people; talking in front of banner. Large crowds. Lenin talking in winter & in summer. W/ cat. 1924 dead. Headlines. Funeral cortege. Huge crowd following thru snow. Lying in State - Lined up outside building & moving camera past. Interior with people past (out of frame) People weeping as they pass. Soldiers past. Widow. School kids. Various ethnic groups. Stalin & others. People outdoors. Soldiers firing salute; ship firing salute. Trolley stops for moment of silence. Stalin at mic. Stalin speaking in front of ?? & pours from bottle into glass.