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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221437-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1952
Country: DpRK,North Korea,USA
TC Begins: 01:13:33
TC Ends: 01:25:44
Duration: 00:12:11
Korean War - 1952, North Korean Propaganda: U.S. Germ Warfare In Korea Pt. 2 of 2 Military interviewing captured U.S. Air Force spy, Norman ?? Reporters around table. 01:14:19 He speaks in English describing dropping two bombs 200 mph & 500 ft & says they were to report the bombs as ordinary dubs. Signing confession. 01:15:19 MCU Pilot John Quinn confirms in English bombs dropped on 04Jan & 11Jan were w/o fuses & were in fact germ bombs. 01:16:28 North Korean workers listening to speakers outdoors. 01:17:29 Room w/ meeting & photos on wall of Stalin, Kim Il Sung, Mao. Crating monographs & loading in trucks; leaving factory. Man talking in yard to workers. Students & others visit display of dud bombs, posters of illustrations & exhibits about germ warfare. Good posters. 01:19:03 Group of North Koreans & “Democratic Lawyers”. Unearthing ?? Crying women telling them stories. Sitting at outdoor table, blond woman reporter taking notes. Meeting the scientists. Talking to John Quinn; talking to families of victims. 01:21:20 Warehouse w/ cartons & wicker baskets. Loading truck w/ medical supplies & through countryside. Arriving at village & giving North Korean soldiers injections in trenches. Van to sterilize clothing; nurses giving injections in van to smiling soldiers & sailors; school children. Highway & spraying trucks; mass disinfection. Spraying under roads, in villages. Groups of men & women cleaning all soil, wells, streets. 01:24:42 Plane spotters watching for U.S. planes circling low. Trucks waiting, medical personnel lined up. Closing slogan type title. “The U.S. plan will not succeed.” The End. Korean War; Bacteriological Warfare; Chemical Warfare; Confessions; Propaganda; 1950s; 1952; NOTE: Any continuous 11 minutes of two cards, (01:03:55 - 11:25:44), sold at per reel rate.