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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221509-10
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1949
Country: Japan
Location: Tokyo
TC Begins: 07:11:26
TC Ends: 07:21:53
Duration: 00:10:27
Post-WWII - 1949, Occupied Japan: Communist May Day Celebration, Tokyo. 01May49 Slate: 01May49 Tokyo, Japan MCU of flags & banners; large crowd of Japanese watching, listening. CUs. LS of applauding crowd. Japanese doing Russian dance. Men speaking at microphone in CU. LS of people in trees, crowd listening. 07:12:37 Slate: 01May49 CU speaker. Crowd waving flags, standing & cheering. MS of speaker w/ banner behind him. Many flags in wind & waving; people on stage lead cheer (brief); camera crane rises as crowd cheers. 07:13:18 Chorus on stage singes & woman leads crowd. 07:13:28 People of all ages marching past camera w/ placards, singing or chanting. 07:13:57 Slate. Crowd on roof & in windows throw confetti. Marchers below w/ Communist banners & Stalin picture around palace grounds. 07:15:08 Slate. Crowd standing watching, flags & banners. Speakers stand w/ band playing. Young girls dancing in Communist like demonstration follow girl w/ flag w/ dove. Folk dancers w/ male Cossack like dancers. 07:18:17 Man singing at microphone, men listen. Speaker to mic. Girls chorus singing. Large crowd shot. Puppet on stage. Several. One w/ large head & cigar & large gestures w/ giant pistol. Man w/ giant hammer chases puppet; another puppet in monkey suit w/ top hat (GOOD). Post-WW2; 1949; Military Occupation; Communist May Day Celebration;