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Red Army Out of Iran

Reel Number: 220746-05

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1946

Country: Iran


TC Begins: 06:07:09

TC Ends: 06:14:37

Duration: 00:07:28

Red Army Out of Iran - Russians leave after WWII (??Oct46) Handover ceremony at military base? Russian and Iranian officers shake hands. Newspaper headlines and being printed. Flags. Young women picking flowers in garden. Woman decorates poster of Stalin with flowers. 06:08:14 Iranian troops parade down street carrying flowers. Russian troops board line of military vehicles - drive through streets, locals throw flowers. Cheering crowds line streets. Unid. man using microphone. Ceremonial dagger presented. Cheering crowds. Russian tanks through streets. Women and children waving - veiled women. Russian troops on horseback ride through streets. Young kids waving flags, some Russian. Traditional ceremony ? involving pouring ? from pitchers and man holding large mirror. Mounted troops parade through streets, given flowers by veiled women. Old man speaking animatedly. Crowds line street. Russian soldiers distribute communist information / propaganda leaflets thrown into crowd. VIPs on dais - officer making speech. Gifts given. Pages turned with writing and picture of Stalin. Flag depicting Stalin. Engraved picture with Russian Generals depicted. Iranians waving and clapping. Russian military vehicles parade through streets - POV driver going down street lined with Iranian soldiers. Russian soldiers pass in trucks and have flowers thrown at them. Various shots military parade and locals.

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