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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220755-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1917,1920s,1930s,1929-1938,1937
Country: Poland,Russia,USSR
Location: Krakow,Moscow,Saint Petersburg
TC Begins: 19:00:08
TC Ends: 19:07:53
Duration: 00:07:45
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: USSR: Lenin & Stalin; Cult of Stalin; 11Dec37 Stalin Speech to Moscow District Soviets. Painting / mural Josef Stalin sitting w/ Lenin on garden bench; Pravda newspaper headline of Lenin’s death. 19:00:27 Lenin lying in state. CUs. Electric lighted chandeliers. Stalin beside Lenin’s body. 19:01:03 Stalin viewing Belomor Canal; workers. LS of Kremlin. MCU multiple shots of Stalin w/ VIPs (possibly Kaganovich; Rykov Kamenev) & members of public from various regions applauding, receiving photograph. Molotov helped on w/ kimono, ?? & Stalin in silk kimonos. Woman hugging & kissing Stalin at desk. 19:02:39 Exterior & interior Kremlin, congress meeting, military & civilians. 19:03:13 11Dec37 SOF Stalin SPEECH to the Moscow Soviet during election campaign (English over); praising Lenin. CU Lenin. 19:04:53 Saint Petersburg, USSR skyline shots. Various newspaper headlines Pravda. 19:05:36 Girl feeding pigeons in square w/ pedestrians in background ca 1950s, Krakow (?). 19:05:42 February 1917 Revolution scenes - Tsarist banner (?) & signs removed. Crowds in the streets & leaflets & papers handed / thrown to crowds from back of truck. Soldiers past in truck; marchers / demonstrators w/ banners thru crowds in street. Revolutionary scenes - demonstrations / revolutionaries. Army marching. 19:06:30 Title, re 03Apr17 Lenin return from Poland. Etchings only of Stalin greeting Lenin at station, w/ Lenin as he talks to people; planning. 19:07:07 Poorly equipped Red army marching past Lenin. Parading on field. 19:07:25 Army in uniforms parading on May Day (?) in Red square, people cheer. CU Lenin watches. Riders on horsebacks, caissons. Cult of Stalin; Feb17; Soviets; Russian Revolution; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: